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Archive - June 2024

Mid-Year Financial Checkup: Strategies For Fine-Tuning Your Fiscal Plan

As we reach the midway point of the year, it is time to pause, reflect, and fine-tune our financial strategies. Life is full of surprises, and our financial plans need regular attention to stay on track. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting...

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budget, financial checkup, investments, savings

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Protecting Elders From Financial Abuse
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Protecting Elders From Financial Abuse

Each year, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated on June 15th. It is no surprise that some elders experience various forms of abuse, and one of the highest being financial exploitation. As a community bank, we understand the importance of keeping...

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Beating The Heat: Financial Strategies For Coping With Summer Utility Costs

As the summer of 2024 approaches, the temperatures are not the only thing on the rise. Utility costs, especially those associated with cooling our homes and offices, can also soar during these hot months. Continue reading as we have some savvy strategies...

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energy efficiency, saving, savings strategies, solar, summer